Cripes! We’re moving into a Brewery!

As many of our friends know this year has been an amazing year for Charley Chau. Jenny and I can’t really believe that what started with making a Snuggle Bed in my sitting room one afternoon for Charley and Anna has evolved into this little micro business with a life of its own! The support we’ve had from so many people has been just incredible and we feel so unbelievably lucky.

We’re still tiny but very, very busy helping our customers, dealing with orders and all the behind the scenes work that we have to do! We’ve had to do lots of thinking over the last few months to decide how we manage everything moving forwards to enable us to carry on delivering what we hope are fantastic levels of customer service, and of course stylish and beautifully made dog beds and blankets .

So we’ve had to make some big decisions. The first of these was to bite the bullet and find ourselves a new studio space and after several failed attempts at securing various spaces, we have finally found the right place!

This weekend we’re moving into a temporary space, The Beer Cellar, a basement office in the Empress Brewery building - a fabulous converted Victorian Brewery just outside the centre of Manchester.

The converted Empress Brewery building, Manchester
Our new home!
Empress Stouts and Ales were brewed on site from 1880 – 1955!

Our residence in the basement Beer Cellar is only temporary though! Our real new home which will be ready by February next year is at the Brewery site too but a lovely light and airy 1500 sq. ft. ground floor workshop. We just need to have some building work carried out hence the temporary move into the Beer Cellar. 

So, lots of packing in progress this week as we get ready to move all of our office furniture, equipment, shelving units, stock, ourselves and the four monkeys into the new space on Sunday. I made a list today –it’s nearly 4 sides of A4 long!

We’re obviously going to do everything we can to keep disruption to our day-to-day business to a minimum but the move means that we have to have a new phone number which we will post on our Contacts page as soon as it’s all working. In the mean time you can always reach us on email: and our existing phone number will carry on working for the time being too.

The best thing about getting this office move in motion … from February next year we will be open for visitors in our new studio so anyone who wants to pop by with their dogs will be able to just call ahead and drop by! We can’t wait!!!

Chin chin!