The Charley Chau Companion Dog Awards - overall winner announced ...

We were delighted to partner with the Kennel Club in 2012 to celebrate the positive impact that dogs have on our lives through the Charley Chau Companion Dog Awards.
Over four weeks in the run up to Discover Dogs at London’s Earls Court we asked the dog loving public to share their stories about how dogs have changed their lives for the better and each week chose one finalist and then one overall winner.  All of the finalists won a lovely Charley Chau prize and were invited to join us at Discover Dogs courtesy of Charley Chau and The Kennel Club.
The overall winner of the Charley Chau Companion Dog Awards was Harry the Blind Dog and his owner Jacqui Watts who were our week 2 finalists. 
Harry and Jacqui, overall winners of the Charley Chau Companion Dog Awards 2012, at the Charley Chau stand at Discover Dogs.
Harry is simply a little super star. After having one eye removed and then his remaining eye, leaving him completely blind, he still lives life to the full and the bond between Harry and Jacqui is quite incredible and truly inspirational.  We felt so privileged to meet Harry and Jacqui in person at Discover Dogs and were delighted that Dog World wanted to interview us with Jacqui & Harry for their Discover Dogs Talking Dogs Special PodCast.
You can read the winning entries from our four finalists on our blog:
Thank you to everyone who entered – so many inspirational stories were submitted and it was a real privilege to read them.  

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