Dear Santa Christmas Competition
Dear Santa … best doggie Christmas list wins a lush Faux-Fur Blanket!
We’re pretty sure your dogs have been very good dogs this year and are on Santa's good dog list. Just for fun, we’d love to see your dog’s Dear Santa letters for the chance to win one of two luxe Faux Fur Dog Blankets (medium size worth £80) in the lush faux-fur of the winners’ choice! A cosy little Christmas gift from Charley Chau!
A chance to win a luxe Faux-Fur Dog Blanket to keep your dog this cosy all Christmas!
To enter:
Now unless your dog is very clever, or has opposable thumbs, they may need a little help from you to enter. Your dog needs to write their “Dear Santa” letter and post it on Facebook or Instagram with a fun photo by midnight (GMT) on Sunday, 18 December 2022. Think fun, full of personality and full of joy for the festive season!
Enter on Facebook: go to our Facebook page ( post your dog’s photo and “Dear Santa” letter as a comment on our competition post.
Enter on Instagram: post a photo of your dog's letter, tag us @charleychau and hashtag #dearsantacharleychau – make sure your post is available to view publicly or we won’t see it!
Full terms & conditions at the end of this post – happy Christmas list writing and good luck!
Need inspiration? Brutus has written his Dear Santa letter already ✒️, but we haven’t the heart to tell him he’s not allowed to enter the competition!
Dear Santa .... x Brutus

Dear Santa,
Are you the same Santa as the one they have in America? Will you be taking presents to my gang back in Pittsburgh?
This is my first Christmas in England and, now that I understand what dog mom is saying (Manchester speak is very different to American), I think I’ve been a good boy fitting in with my new life and people. So, Santa, I think I deserve ALL the treats. Please can I have these?
- Bliss Bolster Bed of my own because Theo says the Bliss Bolster Bed in the office is his because he got it before I arrived from America which I think is not very fair.
- A Brightside Sighthound Hound Collar in Lime, as I’m obviously the brightest star in the show ring and it’ll make all the other dogs green with envy.
- Pizza, pizza, pizza – it really would be heaven if mum gave me that every day - she let me try it once and I still dream about it.
- A bumper pack of loo roll because I love shredding it!
Thank you, Santa!
Love Brutie
aka Little Dog because I was little when I arrived but Theo says he was little when he arrived too, so the humans are obviously just a bit weird. 🐾
View our full T&C's here > Santa Competition Terms