Keeping our gang cosy in the cold snap

Our gang have not been too happy about the bitterly cold weather we’ve been experiencing here in the UK. I look at photos on Insta and FB of dogs frolicking in the snow with glee and wish our gang felt the same way about the fluffy white stuff. Instead, they look out into the garden with disdain and all attempts to send them outdoors are resisted with temporary deafness!

Radiators rock!

Charley and Theo keeping cosy near the radiator in the officeOur office is like a walk-in freezer at the moment so we’ve rolled out emergency electric oil heaters and moved the dogs’ beds next to the heaters … as you can see they love it! Faux-Fur Blankets in all beds are also mandatory!

Blankets … lots of blankets

Charley Chau Ducky Donut Dog Bed and Double Fleece Blankets

Our guys like to burrow and if they’re not in a Snuggle Bed (see below) then they won’t go near another bed in this weather unless there is a big heap of blankets for them to nestle into. They get in, spin around and dig the blankets before curling up all cosy and snug! Two or three small blankets (like the Double Fleece Blankets shown in the photo) work better than one large blanket as the big blankets are difficult for them to manoeuvre around.

Snuggle Bed amendments

It’s so bitterly cold that we’ve even topped up our Snuggle Beds with a Faux-Fur Dog Blanket – an extra layer of cosy fleece and faux-fur to trap warm air and keep our gang cosy! Our Medium Faux-Fur Blankets drape nicely over all three sizes of Charley Chau Snuggle Beds!

Short walks

Charley in the snow

If Anna had her way, all walks would be suspended so our walking regime has been reduced to very short walks, with the dogs very well wrapped up! Our "can't live without" winter wear for the dogs are fleece jumpers by Equafleece and winter coats by K9 Apparel.

Musher’s Wax

Mushers Secret - protective wax for dog pawsBefore we go out we slather a bit of Musher’s Wax (Musher's Secret onto our dogs' paws. It's available on all kinds of online stores, just Google. In this bitter weather it gives a little bit of protection from grit and salt and can help stop ice from packing in between their paw pads. It’s very moisturising too, made from a blend of 100% pure natural waxes (including White and Yellow Beeswax, Carnauba, and Candelilla Wax) and White & vegetable oils with vitamin E.

Boots …

We have tried dog boots. This was Charley when he tried his for the first time but blink and you’ll miss it …

Our gang come along with us when we skiing but they hate wearing dog boots so we generally do without here in the UK and just keep an eye on their feet when we’re out to make sure they’re not getting too cold!

Emergency box in the car …

Emergency supplies in the car

Travelling in these conditions is to be avoided at all costs. Just in case of an emergency though we keep an emergency box in our cars all year round: dog bowl, water, food and two large Double Fleece Blankets. We also make sure there's a box of dog treats in the car too - our gang go nuts for the Duck Sausage Treats by the Innoncent Pet Company. Preparedness pays - we know this as we got stuck in terrible weather in 2009 trying to drive from the UK to Zermatt with Charley for a ski holiday - it took us almost 3 days to get there in the end! 

Let sleeping dogs lie …

Basically, our gang are being a bit precious in this cold weather and just want to stay curled up in a nice cosy bed. And who could blame them!

Theo tucked up in bed

Have you got a "hot tip" to share? (sorry couldnt resist). Something you've been doing to keep your dog cosy? Post your tip in the comments on our Facebook post below!