Charley Chau is accredited by Made in Britain

Charley Chau - Made in Britain

As proud supporters of British manufacturing, we are accredited by Made in Britain with all of Charley Chau's fabric based beds and blankets made here in Great Britain.

Our family are of Chinese origin and Jenny and I both speak Cantonese fluently - we even still have family in China and Hong Kong. However, we were both born in England - you could say we were Made in Britain - and even though  we're very well equipped to work with mass manufacturers in the Far East, we set out right from day one determined to manufacture in the UK. 

We are committed to delivering the highest possible quality to our customers so we work with specialist, professional sewing teams dotted around the UK to produce our beautiful collection of luxury dog beds and blankets.

No one sewing team makes a complete Charley Chau - each of our sewing teams specialises in sewing single, component parts of our beds which are then sent to us at Charley Chau HQ. And it's at HQ where the magic happens. We still quality check and assemble every bed by hand to order before sending them out to our customers around the world. 

Truly made in England with love.